March 2 | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
106 JESSICA CT, CORNWALL, NY United States

Additional Information

Monthly Spirit’s Children with Psychic Adam Bernstein
(Typically the first Saturday of the Month @ Beth’s Healing Temple, Cornwall, NY)

Do you know a child who is highly intuitive? Sees Spirits or Angels? Do they talk about advanced concepts like God, Angels or Past Lives before they can fully talk? See Dead People? Or talk to them? Are they unusually shy or sensitive around people? Hyperactive or ADD? Have “imaginary” friends? Talk to plants and animals? These are just some of the signs that you may know or may be raising a highly advanced psychic child.

Psychic Adam Bernstein has begun a community group for highly intuitive children and teens and their attending guardians. He can help teach them more about their abilities and how to feel safe and empowered rather than afraid of their extra sensory perceptions. He can teach them how to develop their unique gifts and how to turn them on or off at will. He can help both parent and child/teen understand their gifts and what their purpose is in this evolving world. He can bring through loved ones from the other side who they may already be talking to. He can also connect with their Spirit Guides and Angels. He can teach them simple imagination “games” to help them explore their divine gifts further.