New York Yankees To Pay For Education Of Fallen Police Officers Children
New York Yankees To Pay For Education Of Fallen Police Officers Children
New York Yankees To Pay For Education Of Fallen Police Officers Children
George Steinbrenner passed away in 2010, but his generosity carries on. Rafael Ramos was one of the New York police officers brutally murdered on Saturday. Ramos had 2 children, and Yahoo News reports that the Yankees Silver Sheild Foundation will help pay for the education of both kids...
Charity Hockey Brawl
Charity Hockey Brawl
Charity Hockey Brawl
Things got a little out of hand the other day at Nassau Coliseum during the annual The Bravest vs The Finest charity hockey match up. With the score tied 3-3 in the 2nd Period, a bench clearing brawl erupted with cops and firefighters going at it like the Stanley Cup was on the line...