The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is weather related songs, and this one has the weather relation in the title, but it is in parenthesis.  Good enough for me.  This is another one of those songs that I loved when I was a kid.  It was so cool.

Melanie was at Woodstock back in 1969.  She was talented and beautiful.  And she came back to almost every Woodstock anniversary celebration to play, and I am not even sure she ever got paid.  I think she just did it for the love of the music and the festival.  I got to meet her a few times, and she was always so nice and so happy to be there.

I am not sure how long the weather theme will last for My Lost Treasure, but it is not too late to send me a suggestion that fits the theme.  I am also looking for ideas for future themes, so if you have any send them to me.  It is  And thank you.