The People's Place Pig Roast is this Sunday, September 13at Keegan Ales, 20 St. James Street in Kingston. This is going to be a fun day to help a great cause. People's Place has been feeding and clothing the community for over 40 years.
The pig roast kicks off at 1pm...
This week, we had a special guest in, Tommy Keegan, the brewer of this weeks Beer of the Week from Half Time, who tells us the origin of this IPA.
Pick up Keegan Ales' Hurricane Kitty for half price in your WPDH growler all week at Half Time on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie...
My Beer of the Week for January 27th is a local favorite from Keegan Ales in Kingston.
Mother's Milk is classified as a milk stout. While some stouts can be very strong and rich, a milk stout is much sweeter and lighter in taste. You can thank the lactose that's used in the brewing process for that creamy body...