Pennsylvania Woman Accused of DWI, Biting Officer On the Leg
When officers pulled over a woman for speeding in Beach State Park, NJ, they didn't quite know what they were getting into.
Ever heard the old expression "Don't bite off more than you can chew"?
NBC is reporting that a 30 year-old woman from Bensalem, Pennsylvania was driving more twice the 35 m.p.h. posted speed limit Saturday, when she was later found at a nearby bank in Seaside Park. That's when things get pretty crazy.
Officers noticed the woman seemed intoxicated and attempted to conduct a field sobriety test. When they tried to arrest the Pennsylvania woman she rested. Maybe resisted is an understatement? Prosecutors say the woman allegedly attacked two Seaside Park officers and even bit a state sergeant on the leg. Ouch.
The biter now faces faces charges of speeding and driving under the influence in New Jersey and assaulting several arresting officers.
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