My Lost Treasure: Stills Young Band
The current theme on My Lost Treasure is size. We have played a lot of "little" songs, and today we are playing a "long" song. If short is a size, so is long. At least it's good enough for me.
Most people that know me know how much I love Neil Young. I also love Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. And Crosby, Stills and Nash. And each of the guys in CSN solo. So it can’t be bad when it’s two of them. In this case, Stills and Young. Stills and Young not only worked together in CSNY, they were also together in Buffalo Springfield. And the Stills Young Band. Today’s song is from 1976. It was great back then, and it’s still great.
Boris and I are on vacation until July 31, but My Lost Treasure will not be on vacation. If you have an idea for a size related song, please pass it along to me so I can use it for My Lost Treasure. Email me at, find me on facebook, or write your suggestions in the comment section below. Thanks for your help!
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News