Some may find it ironic that a fast food giant is putting physical fitness trackers in their kids' meals, but now it looks like the marketing strategy has backfired.

The United States Product Safety Commission said that McDonald's Step-it wristbands are being recalled after more than seventy incidents were reported saying the bands lead to skin irritation and burns.

CNN says that anyone who got one of the trackers in a Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal to return it to any McDonald's for a free replacement toy.

If you want your kids to be healthy, just encourage them to play outdoors or go for walks with the family. Takes them to some of New York state's nature reserves or state parks. Of course, there's always the Walkway, or the Rail Trail for starters.

Big Macs are not the answer.

According to McDonald's nutrition calculator a Happy Meal with a kids' size portion of fries, a cheeseburger, apple slices and milk has got 530 calories and twenty grams of fat.

That would take the average adult male, who weighs 195 pounds, around ninety minutes to walk off the calories.