We asked our Facebook followers which Thanksgiving dishes they’d ban from their holiday spreads, and the answers came pouring in.

From outdated sides to controversial classics, these are the foods people are kicking to the curb. Did your least favorite make the list?

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Mashed Potatoes

A surprising number of you think mashed potatoes are overrated. Apparently, the creamy, fluffy side dish is too “basic” to deserve a spot on the holiday table. It’s hard to imagine Thanksgiving without them, but hey, maybe we’re ready to carb-load elsewhere?

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Cranberry Sauce (From the CAN)

Canned cranberry sauce is divisive at best. That wobbly, jiggly log has its fans, but more and more of you are ready to upgrade—or ditch it entirely. Fresh cranberry sauce is winning over the masses, leaving the iconic plop sound behind.

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Green Bean Casserole

Once a Thanksgiving staple, green bean casserole is seeing its popularity fade. The mix of canned soup and crispy onions isn’t as charming as it once was. With so many calling it a soggy mess, this dish might be ready for retirement.

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Deviled Eggs

These unexpected appetizers stirred up plenty of debate. Are they a Thanksgiving tradition or just an out-of-place snack? Many of you voted to leave deviled eggs off the menu entirely—and honestly, it’s hard to argue.

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Wait, gravy?! While most of us agree it’s the glue that holds Thanksgiving together, a small but vocal group suggested skipping it. Whether it’s to avoid the hassle or cut calories, we have just one word for them: nope.

Do you agree with these picks, or are your Thanksgiving traditions here to stay? Let the holiday debates begin!


What's you favorite dish on the Turkey Day table?!?

Gallery Credit: Landon King