Paul McCartney reflected on the fact that the current lineup of his solo band has been together longer than the Beatles and Wings added together.

The musicians who recently completed his Got Back world tour – guitarists Rusty Anderson and Brian Ray, ‎drummer Abe Laboriel Jr. and keyboardist Wix Wickens – have been working as a unit for over two decades.

The Beatles lasted from 1960 to 1970 while Wings were together from 1971 to 1981, totalling just short of 20 years.

READ MORE: Top 10 Beatles Solo No. 1 Singles

“We get on so well!” McCartney reflected as he answered a fan question on his website. “You used to hear, particularly in the ‘70s, of bands breaking up and arguing and not lasting. But with this one, we just get on really well.”

Paul McCartney’s New Year Resolution: Finish an Album

“We’ve got it now so we can play, we can discuss things and we can make decisions within the band. And it works well – we’ve been together now for over 20 years, which is crazy!”

Another fan asked McCartney if he was making any New Year's resolutions, to which he replied: “Here’s one: finish an album! I’ve been working on a lot of songs and have had to put it to the side because of the tour. … I’m hoping to get back into that and finish up a lot of these songs.”

In the meantime, though, he said he wanted to spend Christmas with his family. “I’m one of those guys that loves to overdo decorations, so I need a minute to sit back, relax and enjoy them,” he said.

Paul McCartney Through the Years: 1948-2023 Photos