We’re just two weeks from Game of Thrones Season 7 treating us to the longest episodes yet, though the future remains as uncertain as ever. Even less episodes will populate the eighth and final season, and according to those involved, the run-times may get even longer.

Before you start the popcorn for the as-yet-unscheduled final season, know that the quote in question comes from sound designer Paula Fairfield, who pointed toward Season 7’s 82-minute finale as reason for the potential expansion in Season 8. At only six episodes, feature-length episodes are certainly doable (see: Sherlock), though it’s a bit early to be nailing down runtimes and structure, let alone from a sound design perspective.

We’ll see what emerges from future seasons at Comic-Con 2017, but watch the newest Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer below, and stay tuned.