Check That Grill Before You Fire it Up For Memorial Day
Memorial Day weekend is almost here and with that comes the unofficial start of summer and the grilling season. According to the National Fire Protection Association, three out of five households own a gas grill and each year, more than 8,000 home fires are caused by grilling and more than 10,000 people are sent to the hospital because of injuries involving grills.
While everyone is excited to get summer, and the party, started, there's a few things you need to do before you even turn your grill on.
According to the New York Propane Gas Association and the National Fire Protection Association, double check to make sure it's in a well-ventilated outdoor area, at least ten feet away from the house, and at least three feet away from trees and shrubs.
In addition, when you light the grill, always keep the lid open and don't close it until you're sure the grill is lit. If it doesn't ignite within ten seconds, turn the gas off, keep the lid open and wait five minutes before trying again.
While we don't want to insult anyone's intelligence, never use matches or lighters to check for leaks, don't use starter fluid with propane grills, and keep all flammable materials away from the grill.
If you were planning on lining the grill with foil, to save on clean-up, please don't it can restrict air circulation and if you're the one throwing the barbecue this weekend, make sure any children know that the area around the grill is a no-play zone and never leave a hot grill unattended.
Here's to a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend. Happy safe grilling!