Boris, Meat Sandwich and a troop of WPDH listeners are drinking their way through Ireland. Along the way, they seem to be finding new ways to annoy the locals.

You see, Meat decided he had to find the mystical berry fields of Dingle and strolled the streets asking residents where he should look. (If you need an explainer, Google "dingle berries" or head to Urban Dictionary. Those folks'll help you out.) Meat somehow managed to avoid getting punched in the face and was directed to seek out Fungie the dolphin for answers.


So just who is this legendary dolphin? Fungie of Dingle is bottlenose dolphin who showed up along the shores of the town. The area's fishermen fed Fungie, who remains protective of the area and chases away other dolphin. According to Dingle lore, Fungie has been living in their waters for over 25 years.