According to the Poughkeepsie Journal and state officials, over two million businesses and homes do not have broadband in New York.

That could be changing over the next few years because of a new program.

The New NY Broadband Program plans to connect all of New York with high-speed internet by the end of 2018.


The program's website makes a very valid point:

In today’s economy, broadband is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. Like electricity and telephone service a century ago, broadband represents a critical foundation for economic growth, job creation and a better way of life. Across industries, broadband is redefining how we provide education and healthcare, manage energy, ensure public safety and how we store, access and share information.

Governor Andre Cuomo made the announcement Wednesday at a conference in Hudson.

This is infrastructure for today. This is what the road system was in the '50s.

New York will pay $500 million to expand broadband across the state to many rural areas, including parts of the Hudson Valley.