Most people are always looking for ways to earn extra money, and it might be easier than you think. What are the ways that you earn extra cash?

I recently got back into selling on eBay and to be honest, it's kind of addicting. You post something, and someone buys it for what you're asking, and all is well. My buddy recently told me of a certain comic book that had just been released and it was getting a lot of hype, and for whatever reason, that value of said comic had jumped up tremendously in anticipation of the release.

It was a limited print run, and only select store received issues to sell. A local store had it for sale for ten dollars, and it was valued at much more than that, so I jumped at a chance to make a little money. I purchased the book, and immediately posted it for sale on eBay for what it was listed as being worth, which was five times what I paid for it, and it paid off. I posted it for sale and less than 12-hours later it sold for the asking price.

That quick sale and profit got me back into selling full swing. I went through everything, looking for stuff to post up for sale, and over the weekend I made an extra $100. Not bad for very little effort if you ask me. We probably all have stuff in the attic or basement that could earn us some extra cash to throw in the savings account.

What's your side hustle? I used to host trivia five nights a week, but the pandemic put an end to that, but we all have a way to earn extra income. What's yours?

10 Items You Should Never Keep in a Safe Deposit Box

Demand for safe deposit boxes is on the rise as more and more banks across the Hudson Valley are discontinuing the service. Space and staff needed to maintain the boxes aren't cost-effective for banks, which have been reducing their size and opting for online services instead. If you're lucky enough to find a safe deposit box to rent, you'll probably want to fill it up with all of your important paperwork and valuables. However, there are several items you should NEVER put in a safe deposit box for good reason.

8 Things I Would Not Buy and Why

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