
Bono Says U2’s ‘Best Work Might Be to Come’
Bono Says U2’s ‘Best Work Might Be to Come’
Bono Says U2’s ‘Best Work Might Be to Come’
When you're a big enough band to warrant a Super Bowl commercial for your new single, it's pretty safe to say you've made it. But U2 frontman Bono still has the same hopes and fears as any multimillionaire musician after decades of rock stardom.
U2 Releases New, Free Song During Super Bowl
U2 Releases New, Free Song During Super Bowl
U2 Releases New, Free Song During Super Bowl
Normally we don't pay too much attention to the commercials during the Super Bowl -- the game's the important thing! But the news that U2 will debut a new song for charity during the game peaked our interest. On the eve of the kickoff, Bono talked a little bit more about 'Invisible.'
Bono Pens Eulogy for Nelson Mandela
Bono Pens Eulogy for Nelson Mandela
Bono Pens Eulogy for Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela's death on Dec. 5 inspired a number of heartfelt reactions from members of the rock community. While many lamented the loss of an inspiring figure and world leader, others felt Mandela's passing on a more personal level -- including U2 frontman Bono, who was fortunate enough to count the legendary activist among his friends.