Anthony "The Kid" Camisa is one of forty six alleged mafia associates charged back in August with racketeering.

Authorities weren't able to finally catch Camsia until late December. Now, Camisa's attorney has given officials quite a unique excuse why his client didn't turn himself over sooner.

Seems The Kid just wanted to stay on the lam long enough to bet on the Big Game.

While there's no word whether Camisa is pulling for the Falcons of the Patriots, his lawyer Gerald McMahon claims he avoided police because he wanted to be around for the biggest betting event in sports. McMahon sees it as a practical reason rather than a criminal one.

Prosecutor Amanda Kramer said the case against Camisa and his illegal gambling involving websites is very strong.


Kramer, however, seems a but baffled by McMahon’s Super Bowl argument.

I don’t know that I have ever heard a defendant even propose as an explanation that he wanted to stay out of jail so that he could continue to commit the very crimes that he is charged.

Camisa's lawyer said his client maintains his innocence.