Man, talk about a real Grinch.

A woman from Long Island woman is accused of doing the unthinkable. The NY Daily News says the 31 year-old allegedly stole her neighbor's inflatable snowman. Okay, no big deal. Right?

It's what she decided to do next is what's causing headlines.

To make matters worse, police say the alleged snowman thief sold the stolen property for drug money.

Here's the news footage from a week ago. This was before the culprit was caught.

It's a good thing the neighbor had security cameras rolling. The owner of the inflatable had posted the video on his Facebook page November 28 and was looking for answers.

“So anyone know who this is stealing my decoration?” he asked.

The snowman bandit must be regular with police, for they instantly recognized her and arrested her Wednesday. She's been charged with larceny and misdemeanor drug possession.

The story has a happy ending however, as anonymous good samaritan saw the video and decided to send the man a new inflatable snowman. Hopefully there aren't any more crackheads in neighborhood who decide to make off with Frosty so they can score their next fix.