Is it just a funny sounding word, or is it deeply hurtful and offensive?

A coffee mug being sold online by retail giants Walmart and Amazon, with the words "Got Retard?", has understandably angered quite a bit of customers.

A number of complaints are from families with loved ones with special needs.

YouTube/Nicole C
YouTube/Nicole C

Many of us may have uttered the word ourselves at some point in our lives. Maybe you jokingly used the term between friends? Or perhaps you may have used it to describe a foolish TV show, or maybe at the guy who just cut you off on the road?

But as we approach 2017, is it time to finally bury the "R word" for good? Is it any different than using a disparaging slur to describe one's race or sexual preference?

Regardless, the mugs have caused a huge backlash and now both Walmart and Amazon have taken them off their websites.

A spokesperson for Walmart said the mugs were being sold through a third party seller and were initially unaware they were on their site. They were removed Monday night.

Hallie Levine, who's eight year-old daughter has Down Syndrome, said:

I think that in our culture it's still somewhat acceptable to use the word retard as a joke. It's horrible.

Some took to Twitter and other social media to express their disappointment