To celebrate the anniversary of the Hula Hoop's patent, we declared March 5 as "Hula Hoop Day" at the WPDH studios.

We wanted to find out how many of our coworkers could actually hula hoop. And, sadly, the answer turned out to be "not many." There were, however, a few exceptions... including attorney Jonna Spilbor who may have another career on her hand if that whole attorney thing doesn't work out.

Who was the worst? Well, that's something you'll have to judge for yourself. And for those of you who say Boris is cheating, well... you're right. But be thankful we saved your eyes from witnessing his spastic attempts at hula-hooping.

Think your office is better than ours is? Well we challenge you to put your hoop where your mouth is and upload your own video. We look forward to seeing what you've got!