Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens opens in the theaters Friday. The latest installment of the Sta Wars saga is bound to be the biggest release of the year, but it's already causing some overreaction.

According to ABC 13, school administrators at George Junior High School in Rosenberg, Texas asked a seven grader to cover up his Star Wars: The Force Awakens t-shirt because the school thought it was too violent..
Colton Southern's 'controversial' shirt depicts an Imperial Storm Trooper holding a blaster rifle. Colton's father told reporters that his son had worn the shirt to school on several occasions without any issue.That was until Thursday though, when school officials told Colton the shirt was banned because depicted a gun.
It's political correctness run amok. You're talking about a Star Wars t-shirt, a week before the biggest movie of the year comes out. It has nothing to do with guns or making a stand. It's just a Star Wars shirt.
A spokesperson for Lamar Consolidated Independent School District defended the decision. The spokesperson says the LCISD secondary school handbook lists potential violations of dress code, such as "symbols oriented toward violence."School administrators said they did not reprimand the seventh grader, and only asked him zip up his jacket.Joe Southern says the incident is a violation of the first amendment.

He's a Boy Scout, active in church, volunteers at Brazos Bend State Park. There's not a violent bone in his body. He's just an excited kid for the movie.

Star Wars shirt banned at school! My son came home from George Junior High School in Rosenberg, TEXAS, and informed me...

Posted by Joe Southern on Thursday, December 10, 2015