Well, that was a whirlwind. The holidays came and went and we're here waiting for 2017 to kick in.

I hope you all had an excellent holiday weekend and Santa brought you everything you asked for. I should have asked for more stretchy pants: I ate way too much. But I had a great weekend with friends and family so I can't complain. Now that Christmas is finally over, we can start taking down the decorations and packing everything in.


I refuse to get a fake Christmas tree even though I know clean up would be much easier. If you have a real tree the Times Herald-Record is reporting that out in Sullivan county they are recycling Christmas trees for free.

Trees can be dropped off at the Sullivan County Recycling and Transfer station. From there they will be chopped to mulch that will be used for county landscaping projects.

If you have any questions about where and how to dispose of your Christmas tree, contact the Sullivan County Department of Public works at 845-807-0261.