A 24 year old New Zealand man is lucky to be alive. James Grant was diving with some friends near Colac Bay last weekend when he felt a strong pull on one his legs. This wasn't one of his buddies messing around, it was a seven gill shark, a species of shark that's been known to attack other swimmers off the coast of NZ before.

"[I thought] bugger, now I have to try and get this thing off my leg."


His friends didn't seem to be much use as they ignored his cries, thinking he was playing a joke. Grant, who is a junior doctor, used a needle and thread from a first aid to stitch himself up, and get to the nearby Colac Bay Tavern where he was bandaged up, while enjoying a beer. 

He later got to the hospital and was back to work on Monday. He's already vowed to be back in the water once the stitches are out.

So what did you do this weekend?