How much do you do to help the environment? Compare yourself against the rest of the Hudson Valley with this quick Earth Day quiz.

Just keep track of your answers to these 13 yes-or-no questions and see how "Earth-friendly" your lifestyle really is:

Do you bring your own bags to the grocery store?

Do you turn off the lights when you leave a room?

Do you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth?

Do you bring back bottles for the deposit?

Do you compost?

Do you shop at garage sales or thrift stores?

Do you use a refillable water bottle instead of buying bottles of water?

Do you take showers rather than baths?

Do you let the grass clippings fall back onto your lawn when mowing?

Do you unplug your appliances when you're on vacation?

Do you have a garden?

Have you used public transportation in the last month?

Do you have more than 3 energy efficient light bulbs?

How many "yes" answers did you give?

  • If it was all 13: Congratulations, you're doing everything you can to help the Earth.
  • 10-12 yes answers: Way to go, you're very environmentally conscious.
  • 7-9 yes answers: Not bad, but perhaps this is an opportunity to do more.
  • 6 or less: Time to start re-evaluating your role in protecting the Earth.

So how did you compare to the members of The Boris & Robyn Show? Of course, Hippie Earth-Mother, Robyn comes in on top with 10 out of 13. Boris just barely misses being environmentally conscious with 9 "yes" answers. And Meat Sandwich? He's got a lot more to do with only 7.

Do you think you're doing enough? Let us know your results on our Facebook page.