If you were lucky enough to grab your coffee at this local store, you were one of the first people in the country treated to the seasonal Pumpkin Spice menu.

The Boris & Robyn Show reported on Tuesday that Dunkin' Donuts in Hyde Park was one of only eight locations across the country that were officially allowed to start selling their special fall menu, weeks before the rest of America would be treated to pumpkin spice coffee.

Since the weather was in the mid-90s, we had to do something to get the Hudson Valley in the mood for Fall... So we sent our producer, Meat Sandwich in his winter gear up to Dunkin' Donuts with a basket full of leaves and a hunger for some pumpkin spice.

Did you grab pumpkin spice yet? We want to know if you're happy to have it or if you think it's a little too soon for Fall.