The superintendent of the Clinton Correctional Facility, along with his security chief and 10 other staff members have been placed on leave  says the Times Herald Record. This latest action is part of an internal investigation into how convicted killers, David Sweat and Richard Matt were able to escape the prison on June 6, setting off a massive manhunt involving over 1,000 law enforcement officers.

The official said the superintendent, Steven Racette was removed along with Stephen Brown, deputy superintendent in charge of security. The Corrections Department said that three executives and nine other staff members were placed on leave as part of a review. As of now, they have not been identified.

Tailor shop employee Joyce Mitchell has already been arrested and stands accused of supplying the men with hacksaw blades and other tools, as well as agreeing to be their getaway driver, according to prosecutors. Guard Gene Palmer was also arrested, telling investigators he gave the prisoners such things as tools, and access to a catwalk electrical box in exchange for paintings by Matt. Palmer said he did not know the men planned to escape.