The sky and beyond is the theme we are working on right now on My Lost Treasure.  We have been playing moon songs over the past few days, and this is one of my favorites.  And there is a bit of a local connection.

Here in the Hudson Valley there are a lot of connections to our favorite musicians, including Van Morrison.  He spent time in Woodstock, as so many musicians have done.  He even wrote a song about it.  Something else I can tell you about Van Morrison is that his music seems to calm cats.  Through the years whenever one of my cats seemed to be nervous or on edge, especially during long car rides, the music of Van Morrison always seemed to calm them.  It does the same for me, I think.

Got a sky and beyond song you want to hear on My Lost Treasure?  Please do share.  I love playing my favorite songs, but I love playing your favorite songs, too.  I hope today's pick is one of your favorites.