We have a pretty cool theme going right now on My Lost Treasure.  It is songs with rock in the title.  Rock, rock and roll, rockin' and rocking, any form of rock.  It is a pretty broad theme, and it should last for a while.

I must admit I have never known too much about the band UFO, but I am familiar with today's song.  I even like it.  And it is a song that happens to fit our current theme.  I have a lot of hard rocking friends that love UFO, and we sure have a lot of listeners that love them, too.

What song with rock in the title would you like to hear?  Just let me know if you have a request or a suggestion for a song that fits the theme, and I will try to include it on My Lost Treasure.  You can email me at robyn@wpdh.com or let me know on facebook.