We are working on the theme of songs with rock or rock and roll or some form of rock in the title.  Today is Twisted Sister Tuesday.  At least that is what it is on My Lost Treasure.

I feel some what of a connection to Twisted Sister.  Most people that know me know that it is not really the kind of music I lean toward, but I respect Twisted Sister.  They are kind of local, they certainly spent many nights playing in the Hudson Valley, and WPDH has been playing them from the get go.  I have had the chance to meet Dee Snyder more than a few times.  He's polite, professional, talented, and he has a great head for business.  And he wants to rock.

We have a little while to go for this theme, but I have already got the next theme ready.  It's cities, states, countries, etc.  it should be fun.  Start thinking of ideas now.