Aug. 17, and it is day three of our Woodstock Festival anniversary celebration.  The trick is to play something from Woodstock and keep with the current theme of guys names.  I came up with the perfect song, even though it is probably unfamiliar to a lot of people.

Not everything that was played at the Woodstock Festival made it to the soundtrack.  Like today's song from The Band.  Luckily, some musicians put their own albums out that included their Woodstock performances.  And I always love playing music from The Band.  They are so local.  They have a Woodstock the town connection, a Woodstock the concert connection, and they were frequent visitors to the radio station.  It's a fine way to close out our Woodstock anniversary celebration.

If you have any suggestions for guys names songs that I haven't played, let me know.  I am sure we will be moving on to a new theme soon.  Got any ideas?  It's  Thanks