The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is places.  I am talking about specific towns, cities, states, countries, continents, you get the picture.  And today is Cinco de Mayo, so we will do a song about Mexico.

I must admit I don't know much about Cinco de Mayo.  In fact I had never even heard of it until I was an adult.  And even then it was just a bar holiday where they served Mexican beer, gave out key chains shaped like maracas, and played piñata games.  I know the meaning of the day goes deeper than that.

What I did know growing up was James Taylor.  I adored him, and I still do.  So I have decoded to use this day that I don't really know about to play an awesome song from James Taylor that also fits out current theme.  Got a place song you want to hear?  let me know, and I will feature it on My Lost Treasure.