We always have a theme here on My Lost Treasure, and right now our theme is building a city. Through songs. It's fun, and there are so many great tunes that we can use. Thanks for all the great suggestions, they are helping to make our city complete.

Lately, we have been concentrating on roads, street, etc., and we will go back to that. But it's Saturday and that means we are going to take a break and do something recreational. Like go to the drive-in. When I was first thinking about doing this theme, this song kept coming into my mind. Any time I can fit David Bowie into a theme I will do it.

I hope you are enjoying the weekend. If you have any ideas for songs that will help build our city, send them to me, please. It's robyn@wpdh.com. You can also find me on facebook. Thanks.

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News