The theme is songs with rock or rock and roll in the title.  AC/DC has a few that we can choose from.  In fact, we are featuring AC/DC songs both days this weekend.  They deserve it.

AC/DC has had their share of bad luck.  First they lost lead singer Bon Scott when he died in 1980.  But they recovered with a new lead singer, Brian Johnson.  And they thrived.  Then in 2014, it was announced that Malcolm Young would no longer be able to perform  Sadly he was diagnosed with dementia at a ridiculously early age.  But they overcame that, too.  Now, Brian Johnson has been told by doctors that if he doesn't stop touring, he will suffer complete hearing loss.  Can they get through this?  I hope so.

So, this weekend, we dedicate My Lost Treasure to AC/DC.  They have been rocking and rolling us for years, through good times and bad times.  Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you later today at Paddy on the River at Waryas Park in Poughkeepsie.  Rock on.