It's one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. It could be happening right here in our own backyard. What can be done? This weekend you can join hundreds and march to help draw awareness to this cause.

It may not be something that we think about often but right now there are millions of people who are being held against their will and being abused for someone's personal or financial gain. Sounds disgusting, right? Didn't we fight a war to end this?

Though it is hard to believe, slavery is more prominent than ever and you can help change that.

This weekend in Poughkeepsie hundreds will be rallying to march and draw awareness towards the human trafficking epidemic in this country. According to statistics from The World Counts, it is estimated that there are over 30 million slaves in the world. Human slavery is not just limited to sex. Labor and organ harvesting are also major factors that make human trafficking a billion dollar industry.

If you'd like to participate you can sign up HERE.

Walk for Freedom Poughkeepsie

Date: Saturday 10/20
Time: 10am-11:30am
Location: Poughkeepsie City Hall
    62 Civic Center Plaza
    We will be meeting at the back of City Hall. Parking is available beneath City Hall,
    Market Street parking garage, or Civic Center parking garage.

What to bring: Walk for Freedom t-shirt (or wear all black).


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