If you think your employer has you by the balls, be glad you're not this guy.

Team-building exercises have become a common part of the working world; if your boss and the management think that you need to spend your free time with your employees in order to forge a bond, you'd better get ready to do so or get ready to face weird, awkward judgment from everyone who was willing to sacrifice what little free time they had for the perceived betterment of the team.

But giving up free time is one thing. Giving up a testicle is another thing entirely.

According to the New York Post, Michael Peacock (make your own jokes) was on a two-day team-building outing in the Hudson Valley--Kingston barhopping is apparently considered "team-building" now--when his boss grabbed his testicle and yanked.

Yeah. According to Peacock, his boss got drunk on a Hudson River cruise, actually grabbed his scrotum and pulled. He's gone through three surgeries and lost a testicle. And, to make things worse, apparently his coworkers have been mocking him due to the loss of said testicle.

But hey, going public about having one of your testicles crushed and being mercilessly mocked by your coworkers does take balls.