Since the Ice Bucket Challenge fizzled out this fall we've been waiting for the next social media craze... and grabbing your nuts for testicular cancer awareness is it.

Male celebrities have begun posting photos of themselves doing the Feeling Nuts Challenge.  It's pretty simple; just grab your testicles and take a photo.  Pix11 reports that so far Hugh Jackman, Ricky Gervais, William Shatner, Jamie Oliver and others have all posted photos online.

Testicular cancer affects young men. With the average age of diagnosis at 33, it's something that people usually don't think about checking for until it's too late.  Close to 9,000 new cases are estimated to be diagnosed this year.  If discovered by a simple self exam, testicular cancer can be easily and effectively treated.

Boris & Robyn will be joined by Dr. Evan Goldfisher from Premiere Medical Group on Monday morning to discuss how you can check yourself and maybe Meat Sandwich, Nikolai the News Guy and I will all take the #FeelingNuts challenge ourselves.