At a time when you might need a vacation the most it's good to know you can actually afford one.

COVID numbers have been on the decline for months now. Despite that people have still be cautious when it comes to getting on an airplane. Since the first reports of the pandemic many have questioned how safe it could be from spreading the coronavirus. It's a legitimate concern. After all, you're packed in a plane with complete strangers for hours.

I flew with my wife back in November. It was quite a different experience. We had to have a negative COVID test two days before the trip. We wore masks the entire time at the airport and during the flight as well.

Most if not all airlines are still following strict CDC guidelines to protect their passengers from the coronavirus.


The country is starting to open back up and people are starting to get more comfortable with travel and especially travelling on an airplane.

Airlines have offered all kinds of deals that seemed unreal over the past year and a half. Just a few months ago, Jet Blue was offering round trip flights to Europe.

I didn't think they would be able to top that but this is absolutely nuts.

Have yo been putting off a vacation out of the country for a while? Is it time to take one?

United Airlines is offering roundtrip airfare from NYC airports to Cancun, Mexico or Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Will you take advantage?

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