This monstrous dessert consisting of tree different pies baked inside three layers of cake may be the greatest thing to happen to Thanksgiving ever.

Kendell Taylor from the Crooked Rooster on Route 55 in Poughkeepsie may have just introduced us to the greatest dessert ever invented. When asked to visit The Boris & Robyn Show to talk about Thanksgiving dinner, Taylor decided to kick things up a notch by baking the legendary multi-layered Thanksgiving dessert.

Basically, the cake consists of three layers. The first is a pumpkin pike baked inside a layer of golden butter cake. Next is a layer of chocolate cake with a cherry pie baked inside. Finally, it's topped with a layer of spice cake baked around a whole apple pie. The three layers are put together with icing to make one monstrous cake with every Thanksgiving flavor imaginable.

Cherpumple Pie Cake
A. Boris

Upon approaching the Cherpumple Pie Cake, you immediately become fearful that the clash of so many flavors might make your tastebuds completely short circuit. But honestly, this dessert is delicious. The combination of each pie and cake blend seamlessly together, and completely eliminates "dessert remorse," which is the immediate regret of cutting a piece of apple pie that's too big to allow you any room to enjoy all of the other desserts on the table.

There are quite a few websites like this one or this one that will give you tips and recipes on making the perfect Cherpumple Pie. According to Taylor the process isn't really all that difficult or time consuming as long as you plan thing out and bake the pies and cakes in stages. Whatever the effort, we're quite confident that seeing your family's faces slice open a Cherpumple for the first time will be totally worth it.