I've been standing in front of these signs for 10 minutes and can honestly say that I have no idea what to do.

Our office, like many others across the Hudson Valley, is filled with signs posted by coworkers about things that they believe are very important. Whether it's cleaning up after yourself in the break room, not using someone else's stapler or refraining from using the copier to print out photos of your body parts (I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry, it was a mistake).

These contradictory signs posted on our garage door, however, have us completely baffled:

A. Boris
A. Boris

Let's break this down.

The sign on the upper left seems pretty straightforward and clear. "NEVER LEAVE THIS DOOR OPEN". To emphasize the absoluteness of this order, not only are all of the words printed in caps, "NEVER" is underlined. One can only come to the conclusion that this door must always remain closed and should never be kept open. Although no reason is given, the directness of this message is so clear that I'm not even questioning it. Additionally, the all-caps "THANK YOU" that concludes the note makes me feel confident that whoever the author is will be quite happy if I obey this simple instruction, and I'm happy to oblige.

Here's where things get confusing.

Just a few inches below and to the right of this clearly-worded note is another message that demands that the door "remain open." What's that? The door that is never to be opened must now remain open? Although not written in all caps like the first, the word "MUST" is capitalized and underlined, showing that the author clearly means business. Additionally, the message basically reads that by not following these instructions, frozen pipes will burst, causing massive water damage. Who wants to be responsible for that? Certainly not this sign reader.

So here's the problem, if the door can never be left open, but must remain open what are we supposed to do?

If anyone has any ideas please let us know. We need to stop staring at this door and get back to work.