As if bedbugs, stink bugs, and lyme carrying ticks aren't enough, the Tri-State area unfortunately has a new pest that's entered the region. The greenhouse camel cricket (also known as cave crickets) is an invasive species, from Asia, that have spread across the eastern US. Some experts believe the noisy bugs could be in 25 percent of homes in New York and about 37 percent in New Jersey.

From CBS New York

The insects, which are native to Asia, likely outnumber humans in the U.S., with experts estimating that more than 700 million of them are in the country,

While they don't bite, they certainly freak some homeowners especially if they happen to stumble upon one in their basement. Little is known about their habits, aside from the fact that they can prey on other bugs, and are said to be canibalistic. Experts say they'll even eat their own legs to survive. Attractive, huh?