Boris and Robyn want to highlight the best restaurants and breweries throughout the mid-Hudson region and they need YOUR help.

From Monday, Jan. 11 through Thursday, Jan. 21, nominate your favorites for the 2016 Boris & Robyn Battle of the Best. We're asking for nominations in the 10 food and drink categories listed below. Then, we'll put your nominations up to a public vote from Friday, Jan. 22 to Friday, Feb. 5.

Use the dropdown menu to select the category you're placing a nomination in and then write the nominee and its location in the field below the dropdown.

When you submit a nomination, you'll be entered for a chance to a guest judge at Hudson Valley Wing Wars. (Only one nomination per category is allowed per person. Multiple nominations per category by an individual will be discarded.)

[gravityform id=43 name=Boris& Robyn Battle of the Best 2016]